My Keto Story
Taylor Hill for H&M Spring 2017
Before & After of the Keto Anywhere Founder. 30lbs weight loss.
This right there - the girl in the field - is where my Keto Journey began. When I was browsing through a magazine in early 2017 and saw an H&M ad with Taylor Hill in a crop top and flowy skirt.
I wondered once again if I’d ever feel confident enough to wear such an outfit - not to go out. Don’t get me wrong. I know I’m getting too old for that ;) but just for myself.
Would I ever have a flat enough stomach to wear a crop top?
I signed up for the gym at work and decided to change my diet. I joined a Facebook group where an admin asked me what my goals were and I responded honestly. All I want is a flat midsection. Weight did not matter. The admin mentioned Low Carb eating to me and with that started a time of research and transitioning slowly into Low Carb.
After a few months of reducing carbs I came across Keto and felt ready to further cut how many carbs I ate. Online people were constantly comparing weight (and still do), so here come my stats:
I started at close to 150lbs (70kg) and after 9 months reached my ‘goal weight’ of 120lbs (55kg). It wasn’t a true ‘goal weight’ though given my actual goal of having a flat stomach. I just hoped that at that weight I’d have it.
In those 9 months I went through the following phases: Low Carb eating -> Keto eating -> Introducing cardio exercise (running) -> Running 10k+ daily -> Adding weight training.
I lost on average 1lbs per week and as 2017 came to a close I hit my ‘goal weight’. As an added bonus (and as I see it now actually biggest benefit of Keto for me) my digestion improved immensily, I had much more energy and at night it now took me 10 minutes to fall asleep versus 2 hours.
My stomach was flatter but not ‘Crop-top’ flat. Many other parts of my body were flat though lol
2018 was about maintenance. I gave up a bit on my ‘Crop-top-goal’, continued exercising and running and then injured myself which led to regaining. I also started taking more bites here and there of carby foods. In retrospect I moved from Keto back into Low Carb.
My weight went up and down but mostly up. I traveled a lot and got tired of ‘keto ordering’ in restaurants.
Starting 2019 I felt I needed to get back on track. To help with traveling and eating out I decided to found KETO ANYWHERE. And also to keep me accountable to be honest. I tried new things like an egg fast and helped colleagues and friends who were considering Keto and Low Carb. I really enjoyed that. Living in a carby-vore household it was great to coach people and build a community of fellow Ketoers and Low Carbers outside of home.
2020 brings me back to clean Keto. I’m tracking through myFitnessPal and not even allowing myself bites of non-Keto foods. I’m curious how long I can maintain this and if I can get back to my ‘goal weight’. I’m also wanting to give my ‘Crop-top’ Goal one more try and I want to coach more. I feel like I learned SO much in the last 3 years and want others to benefit from this. Plus more travel is already planned and with that more opportunities to share Keto and Low Carb friendly places all over the world.
Check out the map and the Keto Anywhere Communities for more on this.
Personal Coaching and Partnering as a Business might be worth a look too!