Keto friendly Crunchy Snacks - Which is the best for you?
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LATEST UPDATE: Nov 1 with the addition of a review of Real Phat Foods Crackers
Looking for non-crunchy snacks? A separate post will come soon!
The first thing we think about when hearing Keto or Low Carb is low or no sugar. Meaning no sweets. Right? No cake, cupcakes, muffins, candy, chocolate.
As this blog post series shows as well as the Keto Shopping Guides for Target, Walmart, Whole Foods etc there are many many Keto and Low Carb friendly options now to help everyone with a sweet tooth.
What you’ll realize as you start Keto and Low Carb ways of eating though is that Chips, Saltines, Pretzels, Tortilla Chips are also full of carbs and thus no longer an option.
Lucky for us, small businesses (as well as bigger ones) have seen this too and more and more crunchy snacks are popping up!
First came the cheese bites, than the chips. We always had the Pork Rinds. Now in 2020 the crackers are entering the stage.
Bring on the Keto crunch!
I tried to try as many as possible. To compare not only net carbs but also ingredients - yes, just because it says ‘Keto’ doesn’t mean it is. I also compared calories, texture, price and of course taste!
See below which Low Carb and Keto Crunchy snacks are out there waiting for us and choose which one is best for YOU!
Click the links if you want to jump straight to one or scroll to the bottom for the one-page overview comparing them all!
I’ve reviewed the following Keto Crunchy Snacks:
Bunkerhill Cheese - Crunchy Cheese Crisps - Buffalo
EPIC Provisions - Pork Cracklings - Maple Bacon
FBOMB - Cheese Crisps - Keto Krunch Salt & Vinegar
Fit Joy - Protein Puffs - Honey Sriracha
Flackers - Crackers
Just the Cheese - Grilled Cheese
Kawaii Treats & Eats - Hint of Salt Cracker
Legendary Foods - Pizza flavored Almonds
Moon Cheese - Cheddar Believe It
Quest Nutrition - Protein Chips
Quevos - Egg White Chips
Real Phat Foods - Almond Flour Crackers
Shrewd Food - Protein Puffs - Sriracha Cheddar
Trader Joe’s - Gluten Free Crispbread
Whisps - Cheese Crips - Parmesan
Let’s get started!
Keto & Low Carb friendly Savory Crunchy Snacks
Review of Bunker Hill Cheese - Cheese Crisps - Buffalo
About the company: Going all the way back to the 1920’s when the current owner’s “grandfather, John (Hans) Dauwalder, trained as a master cheesemaker in Switzerland”. He came to the US to “display his artisan talents in a growing cheese market. After several successful years at the Bunker Hill Cheese Co-op, John decided to return to his hometown in Switzerland” and years later returned to the US with his wife and children and joined his brother Crist who had purchased Bunker Hill Cheese to build the family cheese business.
In 1962 the next generation took over and continued to turn the business into “one of the premier cheese retailers east of the Mississippi River, and one of the most successful wholesale manufacturers serving clients throughout North America.”
Sweetener used: none
Cleanliness of ingredients for strict Keto: very clean - all clear!
Serving Size: 7 crisps / 1oz / 28gr
Calories per serving: 180
Net Carbs per serving: 0gr
Carb calculation: 1gr (Total Carbs) - 1gr (Fiber) = 0gr net carbs
Serving per bag: 2
My thoughts on serving size: It’s all about self control :D
Visual appeal: The crisps are dark orange brown in color. They are a bit bigger than a quarter.
Smell: Very pleasant and intense like Buffalo when you first open the bag.
My texture review: Very crunchy. Great bite with their thickness. Don’t bring them to the movies - too loud :)
My taste review: I think these are THE surprise of this crunchy snack comparison. I’ve been missing spicy snacks and didn’t expect to find them in these. It’s not burn-your-mouth hot but they do have a really nice kick to them. Really enjoy the cheesy buffalo flavor and the spice level. Towards the bottom of the bag the salt got more intense. Would definitely buy those again.
Other notes:
Gluten free
Can be eaten plain like I did or on salads, soup, crushed as breading, to dip.
Overall: These are great. All the cheese snacks are very similar to one another in terms of texture, carbs, calories but these ‘Buffalo’ flavored ones set themselves apart with the spice and overall taste.
Other products available: All the cheeses, spices and even jams (not Keto friendly)
Where to buy: On their website, Amazon and some stores like Buehler’s Fresh Foods, Giant Eagle, Jungle Jims…
Price: $14.99 for 4 2oz bags on their website. $15.98 on Amazon plus shipping. These are not currently a Prime item.
Review of EPIC Provisions - Pork Cracklings - Maple Bacon
About the company: “Oddly enough, the roots of EPIC were planted shortly after” EPICs founders Katie and Taylor “became vegetarians.”
As they write on EPIC’s website (abbreviated): “We wrongly believed that a “clean diet” was plant based. To compound the stress we were putting on our systems, we followed the advice of sports nutrition “experts” and prescribed to a diet that was high in carbohydrates and low in fat. As a result, we were making ourselves unintentionally sick with gastrointestinal distress and a myriad of inflammatory ailments. Not knowing what to do, we decided to go vegan and when things got worse, we decided to follow a raw food diet.”
They embraced the Paleo diet and finally found a way of eating that energized them and made them “stronger, faster, and leaner than they had ever been”.
Feeling that there was a lack of available snack options they “set out to create the world’s first 100% grass fed meat, fruit, and nut bar.” They called it EPIC “because it improves the lives of animals, regenerates our bodies, and helps heal the land”.
Sweetener used: Maple Sugar, Coconut Palm Sugar
Cleanliness of ingredients for strict Keto: The sweeteners are not fit for clean / strict Keto. They do highlight the low carb count which makes it perfect for you if you either eat low carb or don’t pay attention to ingredients. To learn more about ingredients on the Keto diet, read here.
Serving Size: 0.5oz (14gr)
Calories per serving: 80 kcal
Net Carbs per serving: 1gr net carbs
Carb calculation: 1gr (Total Carbs) - 0gr (Fiber) = 1gr (Net Carbs)
Serving per bag: 5 in a 2.5oz bag
My thoughts on serving size: That is a smaller serving size than what I’ve seen in other savory crunchy Keto snacks. Most have the serving size at or around 1oz
Visual appeal: These come as about 1in squares. They are light in color.
Smell: When opening the bag it smells mostly like pork. I did not get a maple syrup smell.
My texture review: Definitely crunchy. More compact than pork rinds.
My taste review: I was hoping for a more intense Maple flavor. To be honest, in a blind test I’m not sure I would have identified Maple. As you chew you taste sweetness towards the end but it didn’t evoke maple for me.
Other notes:
Gluten free
If you’re wondering what Pork Cracklings are. According to the packaging it is pork skin “fried out of pork fat with attached skin”
Overall: I’m on the fence. The first one I ate didn’t do much for me. The 2nd still wasn’t overwhelming. By the 3rd I was drawn back to the bag though. If it fits your diet I would recommend giving these a try and see what you think! Watch portion size though.
Other products available: EPIC also has pork rinds and meat bars.
Where to buy: I bought these at Whole Foods. They’re also available on the EPIC website - where they are labeling them ‘Keto friendly’ :/ and on Amazon.
Price: $14.99 for 4 2.5oz bags. $7.06 for 1 2.5oz bag on Amazon.
Review of FBOMB - Cheese Crisps - Keto Krunch Salt & Vinegar
About the company: “Husband-wife team Ross and Kara, co-founders of FBOMB, became strong supporters of the low-carb/high-fat (LCHF) diet through their passion for health. Seeing a market need for healthy fat on-the-go, they created a line of high-quality fat products under the FBOMB brand (the “F” stands for Fat!).”
Sweetener used: none
Cleanliness of ingredients for strict Keto: These are fine for strict / clean Keto!
Serving Size: 7 crisps / 25gr / 0.9oz
Calories per serving: 170 kcal
Net Carbs per serving: 0-1gr net carbs
Carb calculation: 1gr (Total Carbs) - 1gr (Fiber) = 0-1gr (Net Carbs) - I’m keeping the range here as the label would lead you to calculate 1-1=0 yet the package shows 1gr net carb. Maybe there is rounding involved
Serving per bag: 2
My thoughts on serving size: Around 1oz seems to be pretty standard for cheese snacks and satisfying
Visual appeal: These are thin crisps. Good rich color.
Smell: I definitely smelled the Salt & Vinegar when opening the bag. Stronger than the scent you get e.g. when you open a pack of Lay’s Salt & Vinegar Chips (not Keto)
My texture review: Crunchy. These dried cheese snacks tend to be great substitutes for thick cut potato chips with regards to texture!
My taste review: I love Salt & Vinegar but the way the FBOMB snacks tasted didn’t quite work for me. Maybe it was the Vinegar that was overpowering or the Salt or the blend of cheese flavor with Salt & Vinegar that didn’t work for me. I remember thinking “that’s a lot of flavor”. Sometimes for me, less is more.
Other notes: Gluten free
Overall: The Salt & Vinegar wasn’t for me but I’d definitely try their other flavors to see how they are
Other products available: They also have nut butters, bars, meat sticks, bone broths, oils and cheese crisps is Cheddar, Buffalo, Chili Lime and Garlic & Herb
Where to buy: On their website and on Amazon
Price: $26.99 for a pack of 6 on their website and $24.99 for a pack of 6 on Amazon. This is for the Cheddar flavor as I Amazon was out of stock on Salt & Vinegar at the time I write this.
Review of Fit Joy - Protein Puffs - Honey Sriracha
About the company: Austin TX based. Founded by Doss Cunningham “as he faced a celiac disease diagnosis and a sensitivity to artificial sweeteners. He started by developing a line of grain-free protein bars with real ingredients.”
This evolved into FitJoy today, making “grain-free snacks that do good for your body and your community. Our forward-thinking test kitchens source the best ingredients to create innovative, grain-free recipes that are also free of gluten, maltitol, GMOs, and artificial flavors and sweeteners.”
Sweetener used: Honey powder (cane sugar, honey), organic stevia extract
Cleanliness of ingredients for strict Keto: I paused at “tapioca maltodextrin, whey and honey powder (cane sugar, honey) as well as yeast extract. Another snack best suited for low carbers and people not watching ingredients as much. The learn more about the ingredients, check out this post.
Serving Size: 30gr / 1.1 oz
Calories per serving: 140 kcal
Net Carbs per serving: 4gr net carbs
Carb calculation: 4gr (Total Carbs) - 0gr (Fiber) = 4gr (Net Carbs)
Serving per bag: 1
My thoughts on serving size: It seems like the regular snack size you’d get with normal, non-Keto chips or puffs. To keep net carbs lower stick to half a bag
Visual appeal: These are curved puffs. About 1in long and 2/3 of an inch wide. They are oragne in color and look puffy :)
Smell: The Sriracha odor is quite strong when you open the bag. Almost a little too strong.
My texture review: These are not snacks you can take to the movies. The crunch is next level. It is loud haha Definitely crunchy and very satsifying in that regard.
My taste review: I did not taste the honey but the Sriracha is definitely present in the flavor profile. I like foods that have spice and kick and these had that which I enjoyed.
Other notes:
Gluten free
A portion of proceeds helps feed underprovileged children across the US
Overall: While I liked the flavor it is not one I would crave or grab again off a shelf. I’m curious to try some of their other ones though. Also, I wish these were a bit lower in carbs and had cleaner ingredients.
Other products available: Pretzels (not Keto) and bars
Where to buy: I bought these at Woodman’s. To my surprise Fitjoy does not have them on their website. Another option is to buy them on Amazon.
Price: $2.69 per bag at my Woodman’s. $19.99 for 6 bags on Amazon.
Review of Dr in the Kitchen - Flackers Crackers - Sea Salt
About the company: “Co-founded by Dr. Alison Levitt M.D., a.k.a. The Dr. in the Kitchen, whose mission was to help improve her patients diets and livelihoods through eating nutrient-dense, organic foods. Understanding the powerhouse nutritional benefits of flax seed, she worked tirelessly to craft a delicious cracker for her patients, made from just flax seed and a few simple, organic ingredients.
Over 10 years later, Flackers’ Co-founder and CEO Donn Kelly is dedicated more than ever to the heart of the Flackers mission: to create and innovate the future of clean snacking using ingredients that are good for us and kind to our planet.”
Sweetener used: None
Cleanliness of ingredients for strict Keto: Doesn’t get cleaner than this: Organic Flaxseeds, Organic Apple Cider Vinegar, Sea Salt. Yep…that’s it!
Serving Size: 10 Flackers / 1oz
Calories per serving: 160 kcal
Net Carbs per serving: 1gr net carbs
Carb calculation: 10gr (Total Carbs) - 9gr (Fiber) = 1gr (Net Carbs)
Serving per bag: 5 in a 5oz bag
My thoughts on serving size: Fine. Perfect as a snack portion.
Visual appeal: You clearly see the Flaxseeds in different colors. Looks great!
Smell: I got a pretty intense vinegar smell when first opening the bag.
My texture review: Crunchier than expected. One more snack you can’t take to the movies. Also, check your teeth when you’re done cause those seeds can easily get stuck and impact your beautiful smile :)
My taste review: I like it. As with a few other snacks it took me a few bites to get into it and then it grew on me. They were slightly addicting for me which made sticking to the serving size slightly challenging.
Other notes:
Gluten free
Overall: I think they are great and I’d love to try other flavors. Would be great to use to dip into Guac’ or other dips. Add some ham or cheese for a mini sandwich. Make a Keto friendly Cheese and Charcuterie board.
Other products available: They have Classic and Toasted Flackers in flavors such as Dill, Rosemary, Savory, Cinnamon & Currants or Tomato & Basil
Where to buy: I bought these at Jewel-Osco. They’re also available on the Flackers website and on Amazon as a variety pack.
Price: $5.99 at Jewel-Osco. $5.99 for a 5oz bag on their website PLUS 15% off with code KETOANYWHERE. $24.57 for 4 5oz bags on Amazon.
Review of Just the Cheese - Grilled Cheese Snack
About the company: Founded by David Scharfman who - at age 10 - had a desire to recreate his “favorite part of a grilled cheese sandwich” which “was the crunchy cheese around the edges.” With his dad being a cheesemaker he was in the right environment to bring his dream to life. The time wasn’t right though and Just the Cheese took a break until 2017 when David - now with his wife Connie relaunched it.
Today “dozens of dedicated cheesemakers” make sure that “each batch of our bars meets the highest standards of quality.” It is continued to be manufactured in the “family-owned cheese factory in Reeseville, Wisconsin” and “handmade with 100% real Wisconsin cheese.”
Sweetener used: None
Cleanliness of ingredients for strict Keto: As clean as it gets - as the name implies, the only ingredient is cheese
Serving Size: 2 bars / 22g / ~0.8oz
Calories per serving: 150 kcal
Net Carbs per serving: <1gr net carbs
Carb calculation: <1gr (Total Carbs) - 0gr (Fiber) = <1gr (Net Carbs)
Serving per bag: 1
My thoughts on serving size: Perfect as a snack
Visual appeal: It looks like other cheese snacks but in bar form. You can see where the cheese popped / bubbled / was dried. It’s hard to describe the look of it but it looks fine!
Smell: Very mild
My texture review: Very crunchy! Another one I would not recommend taking to the movies ;)
My taste review: I remember trying Cheddar a while back and really liking it. The Grilled Cheese flavor is very mild and I wish it had more depth.
Other notes: Gluten free
Overall: I like the ‘bar’ form and how great these are to take on the go as a filling snack wherever you are. I’m not fully sold on the ‘Grilled Cheese’ flavor as I wish it had a stronger cheese flavor but would get the Cheddar one again.
Other products available: More cheese snacks in jalapeño, mild and aged Cheddar.
Where to buy: On Amazon as well as some health food stores.
Price: $23.88 on Amazon for a pack of 12.
Review of Kawaii Treats & Eats - Hint of Salt Crackers
About the company: Founded by Soury who has “always been a baker and a candy maker of the "carby" kind”. That was until she began eating Keto and realized that there weren’t many baked or sweet products available for people on this diet. She began experimenting to create “low carb & sugar free mixes that only contain clean ingredients, and where taste isn't compromised”. As she states: “ I want the mixes to be so good that no one can tell the difference between our low carb version and the regular "carby" version”.
“The entire process, from recipe creation to bake testing, to final production and packing, are done in-house. Everything is made in small batches” by Soury and her husband out of their “own licensed commercial kitchen in SW Florida”.
Sweetener used: none
Cleanliness of ingredients for strict Keto: As promised, this cracker mix has VERY clean ingredients. Guten free flour blend consisting of almond, lupin and flax as well as sea salt. That’s it!
Serving Size: 1 oz
Calories per serving: 80kcal
Net Carbs per serving: 1gr net carbs
Carb calculation: 8gr (Total Carbs) - 7gr (Fiber) = 1gr (Net Carbs)
Serving per bag: 6
My thoughts on serving size: You get quite a few crackers out of that serving size so I would say it is spot on.
Ingredients that need to be added: Water - just water!
Raw Dough Taste Test: I would recommend eating these baked - nothing special about them raw
Ease of preparing: So easy. You don’t even need to preheat your oven. Blend the mix with water. Mix it. Flatten it and roll it out on parchment paper. Cut it into squares - or use a cookie cutter for fun shapes and MICROWAVE for 1 minute. Flip them and microwave again. Wait 5 minutes and they’ll crunch up!
Baking time: 2 minutes in the microwave
Visual appeal: These look just like crackers you’d get at the store
Smell in the kitchen: I made a small portion and the smell wasn’t very strong but it did smell a little which was nice
My texture review: I was SO positively surprised by these. Let them cool after the second round in the microwave you will get super crunchy crackers. Really neat!
My taste review: I really enjoyed these. You do taste the Flax which I like but if that is something you’re not fond of you might not enjoy these as much. I thought the Salt balance was perfect.
Freeze review: I did not try freezing them as I just ate them all :D
Other notes:
Gluten free
Sugar free
Availability on the website varies
Overall: These are great. I love that you can just prepare part of the mix and make your crackers when you need them. You could even whip up fresh crackers for unexpected guests! Really love this mix as an alternative to ready-made crunchy snacks. Great to us to dip too!
Other products available: Kawaii Treats & Eats has all kinds of Baing mixes for Bars, Brownies, Blondies, Cake, Cupcakes, Cookies and more
Where to buy: Online through their website
Price: Mixes range from $8.95 to $13.95. Use code ketoanywhere10 for 10% off. At the time of writing this the Cracker mix is sold out and doesn’t show a price.
Review of Legendary Foods - Pizza Flavored Almonds
About the company: Meet co-founders Ron Renna & Michael Veni. Ron “brings over 30 years of experience as a serial entrepreneur.” His “deep fascination with nutrition was the spark that led him to start Quest Nutrition, which became the second fastest growing company in the Inc. 5000 in 2015”. “He is keenly interested in physical human performance, improved cognition and how nutrition can allow us to become superhuman.”
Michael, the CEO of Legendary Foods, “brings over three decades of accomplishments in several industries”. He is a “native New Yorker with a passion for both food and physical fitness”. As he got to know the West Coast fitness and nutrition culture he decided to make the move and “ultimately met his business partner Ron Penna”. Michael was also a “founding partner of Quest Nutrition” and embarked with Ron “on his next generation of “no compromise nutrition” which was to become Legendary Foods”.
Sweetener used: Erythritol, Stevia
Cleanliness of ingredients for strict Keto: Looks clean to me!
Serving Size: 35gr / ~1.2oz
Calories per serving: 200kcal
Net Carbs per serving: 3gr net carbs
Carb calculation: 8gr (Total Carbs) - 4gr (Fiber) - 1 gr (Erythritol) = 1gr (Net Carbs)
Serving per bag: I had a sample bag which has 1 serving per bag
My thoughts on serving size: I like the sample size bag as it makes the serving size very clear. Otherwise I’m always tempted to eat more.
Visual appeal: Smaller sized almonds coated in seasoning with an orange hue
Smell in the kitchen: Smells like I’d expect from something pizza flavored :)
My texture review: The bag I had was set to ‘expire’ 4 weeks from the day of tasting - so maybe that influenced texture: I found some alomonds to be soft while others had the crunch I was seeking
My taste review: This is one of those snacks that took me a few bites to like. By the third bite I enjoyed the seasoning blend and implied taste of pizza. “Implied” because to be honest, in a blind test I’m not sure I would have called out “pizza”. It’s hard to describe but I’d say it reminds me of smokey italian flavors.
Other notes:
Gluten free
No sugar added and no artificial sweeteners
Overall: I think they’re ok. I really love almonds but I’m not sure I would be drawn to the flavor in the future and it felt like the almonds themselves weren’t as ‘fresh’ - again, maybe because it was weeks from expiring.
Other products available: Legendary also has Pop Tarts, other Nut snacks and Nut butters
Where to buy: Online through their website , on Amazon, at 7 Elevens and Vitamin Shoppe’s.
Price: 12-packs of the 1.25oz bags for $27.99 on their website. Or a 4oz bag for $5.99. On Amazon it’s also $27.99 for a 12-pack of the 1.25oz bags and $22.99 for four 4oz bags.
Review of Moon Cheese - Cheddar Believe It
About the company: Part of the NutraDried Food Company based out of Ferndale WA USA. I tried to to find out more as I love to share details about the founders of companies but wasn’t able to find information online.
Sweetener used: None
Cleanliness of ingredients for strict Keto: Very clean. Cheddar Cheese made of Pasteurized Milk, Cheese Culture, Salt, Enzyme, Annatto (Vegetable Color)
Serving Size: 1 oz (29gr)
Calories per serving: 170 kcal
Net Carbs per serving: 1gr net carbs
Carb breakdown: 2gr (Total Carbs) - 1gr (Fiber) = 1gr (Net Carbs)
Servings per package: Depends on the bag size - between 1 - 10
My thoughts on serving size: 1oz makes a small snack. If you’re really hungry you might want to go for 2oz. Just beware of the calories if you watch those as it adds up.
Visual appeal: In the 1oz bag I had, the bites were between 1-1.5cm / 0.4-0.6in. So really on the smaller side. You can see how they were popped by the little air bubbles. They are bright yellow-orange-y like Cheddar.
Texture: You definitely get a lot of crunch. Much crunchier than Popcorn. Maybe a bit like honey pops but denser. I’m not sure what to compare them to in the savory world of foods.
My taste review: I feel like these could be more flavorful. Check the review below from Umland’s Crunchy Cheese. Eating the Moon Cheese by itself is fine and they make a solid slightly cheesy snack but once you direct compare them to Umland’s you notice that they could be cheesier. Also could use more salt. Again - if you compare them one after the other. See ‘other products available’ for my thoughts on other varieties besides Cheddar.
Further notes:
Gluten free
Overall: I find all the crunchy cheese snacks great options for Low Carb and Keto snacks to take on the go. You don’t need to keep them refrigerated. Perfect to take on a hike or plane or baseball game. So in that regard these are no exception. Taste-wise I think these could ramp it up on the cheesyness scale though!
Other products available: Other flavors include White Chedda Black Peppa, Oh My Gouda (I did the comparison with Umland’s here too and Umland’s Gouda won!), Get Pepper Jacked, Cheddar Bacon Me Crazy (Disappointing. Tasted neither like Cheddar nor Bacon but kind of smokey), Garlickin’ Parmesan.
Where to buy: Online through their website and on Amazon. They are also available in many big retailers like Whole Foods, sometimes Costco, Target to name a few.
Price: $12.99 for 1 10oz bag on their website. $26.99 for 2 10oz bags on Amazon.
Review of Quest Nutrition - Protein Chips - Nacho Chips
About the company: Founders Ron and Shannan Penna created the first Quest Protein bar in their personal kitchen back in 2010. It was hand-rolled and a hit among friends and family. In 2012 the bars grew in popularity and Quest was represented at its first trade show. In 2013 the very popular Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Bar was launched and in 2014 Quest Protein Chips and Powder. A year later Quest products moved from being available in speciality stores to mass retailers and in the following years expanded to offering cookies, pizzas and more.
Quests goal is to “to support people on their personal quest. That’s what motivates us every day to continue to innovate, iterate and perfect our foods for our fans. Because we're all #ONAQUEST together.”
The original founders are now running Legendary Foods featured with their Pizza flavored almonds in this list.
Sweetener used: Less than 2%: Stevia Sweetener
Cleanliness of ingredients for strict Keto: The following ingredients could cause blood sugar spikes making this not fit for strict / clean keto: Corn Starch, Yeast Extract
Serving Size: 1 bag (32gr)
Calories per serving: 140 kcal
Net Carbs per serving: 4gr net carbs
Carb breakdown: 5gr (Total Carbs) - 1gr (Fiber) = 4gr (Net Carbs)
Servings per package: 1
My thoughts on serving size: One bag is great. If you’re just looking for a snack half of one would be sufficient too but it’s really hard to stop eating once you start ;)
Visual appeal: These are cut like Tortilla Chips. So triangular. This makes them actually perfect to make Nacho Cheese in the oven. They are thinner than Tortilla Chips and are intense in color. You’ll definitely have Cheeto Fingers after making it through the bag.
Texture: Although these are on the thin side you still get a great crunch and it really feels like eating Chips. I love this option for a Chip texture. Not for every day but for once in a while it is perfect.
My taste review: I picked Nacho Cheese for this review but it’s only one of many flavors that I love. Nacho Cheese definitely lives up to its name in terms of cheesyness. I also LOVE Chilli Lime that has a nice kick to it. Spicy Sweet Chilli - a newer flavor was also really nice and reminded me of an Asian BBQ flavor. BBQ by the way is also good and smokey. Would also recommend Ranch although for me it isn’t a flavor I crave as much so it doesn’t make my top 3.
Further notes: Gluten free
Overall: These were the first Keto - yes, dirty Keto - crunchy snacks I came across and it was such a relief to have the option to eat Chips again. I always have a few bags at home although I only eat them maybe 1-2x a month. It’s great to know that a tasty, crunchy option is there. I did also once ground the Nacho Cheese ones and used them as a breading for Pork Chops: AMAZING!
Other products available: As mentioned in the intro Quest also has bars, cookies, protein powder and more.
Where to buy: In stores like Walmart, Target, Woodman’s, On their website. Amazon. Netrition. Specialized stores like Vitamineshoppe and GNC.
Price: ~$2.50 a bag in stores in stores. $16.75 for 8 bags on their website (= $2/bag). $23.44 for 12 bags on Amazon ($1.95/bag)
Review of Quevos - Egg White Chips - Rancheros
About the company: The initial spark to create Quevos came from young entrepreneur Zack who as a Type 1 Diabetic craved chips that would allow him to stay healthy. He was “inspired by the crispy leftovers of an egg white omelette” and “got to work developing a low-carb egg white chip alongside his sister Carly and lifelong friend Nick. Together they experimented tirelessly for two years before arriving at the product of their dreams”.
Sweetener used: Sugar
Cleanliness of ingredients for strict Keto: I paused at Inulin (chicory root fiber), modified tapioca starch, yeast extract & sugar (in the seasoning blend),
Inulin has a Glycemic Index of 0 meaning it will not make your blood sugar spike. This one is fine.
What about the ‘modified’ tapioca starch? On strict / clean Keto you’ll want to avoid starches because of their Glycemic Index. ‘Modified’ means that the food was chemically altered to make it easier to process. This could include changing it to have it lump less, make it easier to dissolve or act as a thickener. (Source).
As for the yeast extract: “Yeast extract is made by adding sugar to yeast in a warm environment.”(Source) . Sugar is listed in the ingredients too. Keep in mind though that these are ingredients in the seasoning meaning they most likely don’t make up a large % of the chips.
Still, if you’re eating clean / strict Keto you might want to pass on these snacks.
To learn more about why ingredients matter on Keto check this out.
Serving Size: 1 bag (30gr) - about 35 chips
Calories per serving: 140 kcal
Net Carbs per serving: 4gr net carbs
Carb breakdown: 8gr (Total Carbs) - 4gr (Fiber) = 4gr (Net Carbs)
Servings per package: 1
My thoughts on serving size: To keep the carbs lower I only ate 1/3 of the serving size and was satisfied.
Visual appeal: The chips are like squares with rounded corners. About 1/4in think and have an appealing orangey color. You could easily serve these to friends in a bowl.
Texture: Yes, they are crunchy. To me it felt like they dissolved a bit when eating which was fine. I enjoyed the crunch and texture.
My taste review: I enjoyed these. Good flavor profile but I have to admit that while I liked them I was also easily able to stop at 1/3 of the bag and came back to the rest a week or so later. They are good and - and maybe that’s a good thing - not addictively good. That just my personal opinion though.
Further notes:
Gluten free
Grain free
Make sure to stick to the Keto versions!
Overall: I love the story about how Quevos came to be. Young entrepreneurs with a dream! It’s not my favorite snack but if I went to a party and they had these I would be over the moon and dig in!
Other products available: The only Keto friendly flavors are Quevos Rancheros, Sour Cream & Onion as well as Dill. The latter is only available on Amazon.
Where to buy: On their website, on Amazon and select stores like some Whole Foods locations
Price: $14.99 for a pack of 6. Use code FN2BSY for 10% off. $29.99 for a pack of 12 1.1oz bags on Amazon
Review of Real Phat Foods - Almond Flour Crackers - Original Blend
Image by Real Phat Foods - Keto friendly Crackers
Image by Real Phat Foods - Keto friendly Crackers Nutrition Facts
About the company: Founded by a mom who - triggered by her daughters severe dairy allergy - started researching ingredients in foods overall and was shocked when she realized everything that was “allowed in “conventional” food”.
She steered towards a “clean food diet consisting of high (quality) fat, low carbohydrate, & moderate protein”.
Real Phat Foods is all about ”making real food (that is real convenient) that nourishes and fuels your body and brain.”
Sweetener used: None
Cleanliness of ingredients for strict Keto: All clean!
Serving Size: 14 Crackers (each about 1in x 1in) / 28g / 1oz
Calories per serving: 150 kcal
Net Carbs per serving: 1gr net carbs
Carb breakdown: 6gr (Total Carbs) - 5gr (Fiber) = 1gr (Net Carbs)
Servings per package: 4.5
My thoughts on serving size: I love it. 14 Crackers is great. I was happy after 6-7 as a snack as I was eating them plain. With dip I think 14 is great too.
Visual appeal: About 1 x 1in squares. Light beige in color. About 1.5mm think. Perfect for crackers. Would look great on a charcuterie board.
Texture: These have some crunch but far from what you’d get with e.g. Puffs or dried cheese. These are crackers you could take to the movies and eat more discreetly. Once you start chewing they become a bit mushy like potatoe chips which I loved.
My taste review: I love it. With the rosemary extract they remind me - taste-wise - of potatoe chips. Not too salty. You don’t taste the almond flour but do get the very well balanced flavor of salt, garlic, onion and rosemary.
Further notes:
Gluten free
Dairy free
Paleo approved
Overall: Big fan. These were not on my radar prior to this blog post review and I’m very glad to have come across them. They make me wonder if I should try my fatheaddough recipe with more spices, roll it out super flat, bake it slowly and see if the result would be similar to these. As mentioned further up these Real Phat Food crackers would be awesome to add to a charcuterie or cheese platter as well as take to friends, to a party and enjoy plain or with dips.
Other products available: They also have some bread products. Soon to be reviewed on this blog as well as cookie dough!
Where to buy: Online on the Real Phat Foods website
Price: $6.49 on the Real Phat Foods website.
Review of Shrewd Food - Protein Puffs - Sriracha Cheddar
About the company: I was not able to find details about Shrewd Foods as a company. When they were founded and what the initial spark was. They are a US based company though.
Sweetener used: Cane sugar
Cleanliness of ingredients for strict Keto: Again a snack with ingredients that made me pause: Whey, Cane sugar, 2% or less of corn starch, yeast extract, maltodextrin in the vinegar powder. Again, better suited for “Dirty Keto” or Low Carb. Learn more about these ingredients here.
Serving Size: 1 bag (21gr / 0.74oz)
Calories per serving: 90 kcal
Net Carbs per serving: 2gr net carbs
Carb breakdown: 2gr (Total Carbs) - 0gr (Fiber) = 2gr (Net Carbs)
Servings per package: 1
My thoughts on serving size: Similar to regular non-Keto chips bag. Perfect size as a snack
Visual appeal: These are round protein puffs. About 2/3in diameter. They are bright orange in color.
Texture: They have the crunch you seek out. Not suited for movie night as you’d disrupt the audience biting in.
My taste review: This review is about the Sriracha Cheddar flavor. I was not a fan. It smelled like cheese but the taste for me was neither really cheesy nor really sriracha. I have also tried their Pizza flavor in the past and enjoyed that one a lot more.
Further notes:
Gluten free
No egg, soy, peanuts or tree nuts
Overall: For Low Carb and Dirty Ketoers this is a solid crunchy snack. Try your way through multiple flavors to see which one is best for you.
Other products available: Shrewd Food also has sweet protein puffs which I imagine would be great as cereal as well as ‘dippers’. Like Keto friendly Maltesers or chocolate covered puffs.
Where to buy: I found these in a health food store in Wisconsin. They are also available on and on Amazon.
Price: $14.99 for 8 packs on their website. $14.99 (yes, same price) for 8 packs on Amazon.
Review of Trader Joe's - Gluten Free Crispbread
About the company: While Trader Joe’s is an American chain it was initially owned by German entrepreneur Theo Albrecht who also owns ALDI Nord in Europe and is still part of the ALDI family.
By now they have over 500 stores nationwide in 42 states + Washington D.C. (source: Wikipedia). There’s actually a whole Blog Post dedicated to shopping Keto at Trader Joe’s!
Sweetener used: Honey
Cleanliness of ingredients for strict Keto: You might pause at the ‘Potato fiber’ - this is not = potato. It is extracted from potato flour and not digestible. Meaning it will ‘pass through you’ (according to Catalina Crunch). Another pause at ‘Rice bran’. This is a plant that is actually used to treat diabetes (as per These 2 seem fine. The next one is not though: Honey. With honey this will not pass the Clean Keto test as honey has a high glycemic index. If you’re not watching ingredients though, read on as this is an amazing crunchy snack!
Serving Size: 1 cracker (24gr / ~1oz)
Calories per serving: 130 kcal
Net Carbs per serving: 3gr net carbs
Carb breakdown: 6gr (Total Carbs) - 3gr (Fiber) = 3gr (Net Carbs)
Servings per package: 9
My thoughts on serving size: If you just need some crunch, half a cracker will do.
Visual appeal: You can see the seeds and all ingredients which I love.
Texture: Such good crunch! Very very satsifying in terms of crunchyness :)
My taste review: I’m a fan. You get the taste of the seeds. I love it plain but could also see it being great with ham or cheese. Or to dip in one of the many dips Trader Joe’s has. I grew up in Germany where Knäckebrot was a staple and this reminds me of my childhood.
Further notes: Gluten free - only the gluten free version is low carb!
Overall: If you’re eating Low Carb or Dirty Keto, try it!
Other products available: Trader Joe’s has many Keto friendly products. Check out the separate Blog post to learn more.
Where to buy: Trader Joe’s stores or on Amazon
Price: $4.29 in stores. $17.38 for 2 packs on Amazon
Review of Umland's Crunchy Cheese - Cheddar, Gouda & Pepper Jack
About the company: Family business located just South of Wisconsin and operating out of Marengo IL. One of the brothers came across “a patented technology that extracts the water from cheese below the melting point of the cheese. What's left is pure Wisconsin "Crunchy Cheese Bites."“ They purchased a machine and “started making Umland's Crunchy Cheese Bites.” Eventually the other brother formed a “company to retail this high protein, low carb, gluten free snack.”
As you’ll see below, Umland’s Crunchy Cheese bites are available at IL and WI Farmer’s Markets, stores as well as online.
Sweetener used: None
Cleanliness of ingredients for strict Keto: Very clean and identical to the Moon Cheese ones above: Cheddar Cheese made of Pasteurized Milk, Cheese Culture, Salt, Enzyme, Annatto (Vegetable Color)
Serving Size: 1/4 cup (18gr)
Calories per serving: 110 kcal
Net Carbs per serving: 1gr net carbs
Carb breakdown: 1gr (Total Carbs) - 0gr (Fiber) = 1gr (Net Carbs)
Servings per package: Depends on the bag size - the 1.9oz bag has 3 servings
My thoughts on serving size: It makes a nice small snack. Perfect if you’re hiking, on the go. It’s also a great serving size to use for extra crunch with a salad or soup.
Visual appeal: The bites are about 0.8in long and half as wide. Similar to individually wrapped candy. You can see how they were popped by the little air bubbles. The Cheddar ones are bright yellow-orange-y. Gouda have a creamy color and Pepper Jack also a creamy color with herbs visible. I think they look great and would also be perfect to serve with drinks in a little bowl
Texture: Great crunch! With their size it gives you enough to bite on. Similar to Moon Cheese I find it hard to compare them to another food. Maybe a bit like Kelloggs Honey Pops but denser.
My taste review: I really enjoy these. All flavors. I find them rich in taste and they leave you satisfied. As mentioned above in the Moon Cheese review I did compare these side by side and even did a blind test and Umland’s won every time. Same as I had people taste them at a Meet Up.
Further notes:
Gluten free
Produced Cholov Yisrael Kosher.
Overall: I’m a big fan! I love cheese. Like, cheese has to be part of every day for me and these are so easy to take on the go, munch on as a snack.
Back when I was still traveling a lot I always had these in my bag. Quick bite at the airport, in transit, in between meetings. I find it sometimes challenging on Keto to find foods that are crunchy and these really help when I crave that. They are flavorful, don’t need to be refrigerated and everyone loves them - Keto or Low Carb or not.
Other products available: Umland’s specializes on Crunchy Cheese. As reviewed they have Cheedar, Gouda and Pepper Jack.
Where to buy: Online through their website . They are also available in many big retailers in the Chicagoland area like Fresh Thyme, Woodman’s and Whole Foods as well as local Farmers Markets.
Price: $4.99 for a 1.9oz bag or for a better deal a box of 12 1.9oz bags for $49.99.
Review of Whisps - Cheese Crisps - Parmesan
About the company: Founder and CEO Ilana Fischer, a cheese lover, with a focus on quality and local sourcing. Whisps is headquartered in Wisconsin and receives all their milk from local farms within 45 miles. They draw an old traditions to ensure the parmesan has the autentic Italian flavor it needs for a high quality cheese snack,
Sweetener used: None
Cleanliness of ingredients for strict Keto: Super clean - similar to the other cheese snacks, the ingredients are only what goes into making the cheese itself.
Serving Size: 23 crisps / 1oz / 28gr
Calories per serving: 150 kcal
Net Carbs per serving: 1gr net carbs
Carb breakdown: 1gr (Total Carbs) - 0gr (Fiber) = 1gr (Net Carbs)
Servings per package: 2 for the 2oz bag on their website
My thoughts on serving size: Perfect as a snack or to top on salad or soup.
Visual appeal: The crisps are approximately the size of a quarter. You can see they are made of cheese and they have a light yellowish color.
Texture: As other cheese snacks, these give you the right crunch!
My taste review: For Parmesan lovers: These are excellent. I’m personally not a huge parmesan fan and am fine with just eating one or two or opting for Cheddar or other flavors instead. Nothing wrong with it. Just personal preference.
Further notes:
Gluten free
Lactose free
Overall: These make great snacks. Although Parmesan is not for me and I haven’t tried any of their other flavors yet, I’m guessing they are good as all these cheese snacks tend to be very similar to one another.
Other products available: More flavors like Cheddar, Tangy Ranch, Nacho, Asiago & Pepper Jack, Barbeque and Tomato Basil.
Where to buy: In the retail space Costco has these as well as Target. On their website they refer to Amazon for online buying.
Price: At Costco they had a variety pack with 14 1oz bags for $10.99. On Amazon they sell 4 2.12oz bags for $14.99.
There definitely is no shortage of crunchy Keto snack options anymore and I realize that I’ve only tried about half of the products currently available.
I’m sure as Keto and Low Carb continues to become more known and accepted as a way of eating we’ll see more Chips entering the stage as well as new concoctions. As someone who loves savory snacks: I’m ready!
How do the above compare side by side? Here’s your answer:
If you know of further snacks to include or consider sampling in the future, please comment below or send an email.
More of a sweet tooth? How about checking out the Muffin comparison?
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Keto on my friends!
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